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The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.

scalar String

Member of

Category object ● CreateFormInput input ● CreateFormPayload object ● CreateResponseInput input ● CreateResponsePayload object ● deprecated directive ● Form object ● FormInput input ● ImageUrlAnswer object ● IssueFussyAccessTokenInput input ● IssueFussyAccessTokenPayload object ● LongTextAnswer object ● Question object ● QuestionInput input ● ShortTextAnswer object ● specifiedBy directive ● TextAnswer object ● TextAnswerInput input ● UploadFileInput input ● UploadFilePayload object ● UrlAnswer object ● User object ● userByAccessToken query ● WriteBlogWithLlmInput input ● WriteBlogWithLlmPayload object